Monday 15 October 2012


Drive is a crime drama directed by Nicolas Winding Refn and released in 2011.

The Driver

So, I finally got round to watching Drive and it was not what I expected at all. What I thought was going to be a pretty standard action film, with cars crashing and guns shooting, actually turned out to be something worth watching. Although there are a few car chases, this film has an edge that others do not and this made it refreshing to watch, especially after having had to endure Taken 2!
There is very minimal dialog in this film, in fact entire segments of the film have no speaking what so ever, what the characters feel is told instead through body language, music and cinematography.

He's as quiet as he sounds in this photo.

You might wonder why this film was rated 18, until about half way in when it starts to get violent. The violence is graphic but bearable, not too much but still enough  to make you cringe at times. Despite being quiet, and only uttering a few words in the entire film, the main protagonist (played by Ryan Gosling) turns pretty nasty suddenly and unexpectedly. Although he essentially has good motives The Driver becomes an extremely violent man, spurred on by the thought of his new found love Irene (played by Carey Mulligan) who has been put at risk.

Irene (The Driven)

This is a stylish film and one of the things that stands out most, more than the actual story, is the overall look. The film is beautifully shot, a lot of time has gone into getting the color, lighting and camera angles exactly right. The filming style and lack of speech sometimes make it feel as if you're watching a music video or a car advert. The film isn't too slow but it doesn't have the pace of an action film, it carries with it a gritty and slightly somber mood as well.   

scene # : They look at each other

One scene that stands out most is when The Driver and Irene are stood looking at one another, there is very little dialog and instead the two characters just stare at one another and smile. It's one of the most romantic moments in the film and everything they need to say to one another is said, but through smiles. 
sexy man

I would recommend this film, perhaps not quite as amazing as people make it out to be but still certainly worth a watch. 

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