Wednesday 19 September 2012


Dredd is an action film directed by Pete Travis film released in 2012.

Don't mess with Judge Dredd!
Dredd has been certified as 18 and for good reason. The film is extremely violent with graphic depictions of people being flayed as well as having large bullet wounds blown into their bodies in super slow motion. The blood and guts spray through the air and if you see this film in 3D, as I did, then you may feel safer with an umbrella. The film is based on the original comics and is set in a crime and poverty ridden city some time in the distant future. This movie is dark and gritty, and in some ways I prefer it to the flood of superhero films which are all together more tame and cliche.

Dredd attacks some gang members on a stairwell using gas grenades. 

Dredd is a judge whose job it is to up hold law and order with his fists and his big gun. Dredd is the law, and with no mercy or remorse he will see that the law is followed in anyway possible, no matter how violent. Dredd is the polar opposite of superheros like batman as he is certainly no vigilante and kills lots of people, he is there to do a payed job and for him it's just that, a job. Dredd is there to administer not his own justice but the justice of the law, he is tough and not to be messed with.

Anderson and Dredd

In the movie, Dredd (Played by Karl Urban) is teamed up with new trainee judge Cassandra Anderson (Played by Olivia Thirlby) who has psychic abilities. The two go to investigate a homicide at 'Peach Trees' which is a large tower block filled with hundreds of families all ruled over by the leader of a vicious gang called Ma-Ma (Played by Lena Heady). Ma-Ma's gang have created and distributed a new illegal drug called 'slo-mo', which slows down time perception. Dredd and Anderson are trapped within Peach Trees and slowly work their way upwards killing people as they go, anyone who is in the gang or assisting the gang in any way is up for execution and as it turns out there are many who fall under that description.

Dredd is certainly not for the faint heated and anyone who has an aversion to violence or a fear of heights may be best watching a film about talking rabbits instead. Not the best film ever but edgy, gritty and action packed, if there is a sequel to this film I will be tempted to see it.  

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